Zweigeteiltes Bild Links: Atmoimage von nebeneinander liegenden Sägeblätter die in den Hintergrund an Bildschärfe verlieren. Rechts: Texte Reihe 1 klein - 'zertifiziert' Reihe 2 groß - 'DIN EN ISO 9001' - Reihe 3 klein 'certified'

A high-profile programme.

One of the keys to our success is that we concentrate on doing what we do best, in other words making products for perfect sawing. We produce blades for jigsaws and sabre saws. We also sell blades for hole and circular saws for a wide range of applications. Handsaw blades made of carbon steel, HSS and bimetal round off our portfolio. All of our materials and production methods meet the most demanding requirements. The first-rate steel varieties we use come from Germany, Austria and Sweden. We perfectly shape them in our Wasserliesch plant using patented laser technology.

ISO 9001 Siegel - UKAS Management Systems